Benefits of Online MBA from Manipal University


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Online MBA

With the progress of technology, online education has grown in popularity. More and more universities are now offering online degree programs to cater to working professionals and others who want the flexibility that online learning provides. One such university offering an online MBA program is Manipal University. In this article, we will explore some of the key benefits of pursuing an online MBA manipal university.

  1. Flexibility of an Online Program

One of the key benefits of pursuing an online MBA is the flexibility it provides to students. With an online format, learners can study as per their own schedule and convenience. They do not have to be physically present on campus for classes or other academic activities. The online classes and coursework are designed in a way that can be accessed from anywhere, anytime as per one’s own routine. This flexibility solves many issues for working professionals and other learners who have existing commitments in their daily lives. 

Those who have a full-time job can study for their MBA without having to quit their employment. They can easily attend the online lectures from their workplace or home as per the schedule. This ensures their career progression does not stall. Similarly, individuals with family responsibilities like parents or caregivers can pursue their MBA goals without disrupting their family life. The online mode eradicates the need to be present on-campus daily or relocate for education. Learners can balance their education with all other duties and obligations effortlessly.

  1. Affordable Fees

One of the major benefits of pursuing an online MBA is the significantly lower tuition fees compared to a regular full-time campus program. There are some key reasons why online programs allow universities to charge lower fees. Firstly, the infrastructure and delivery costs of online education are much lower for universities. They do not have to maintain expensive physical campus facilities like classrooms, laboratories, hostels etc. Operating costs are lower when lectures are delivered virtually instead of in-person.

Additionally, universities do not have to spend on faculty travel or providing accommodation for professors. Resources like library books and journals are also made available digitally, reducing maintenance costs. These savings are then passed on to students in the form of lower tuition fees. However, the administrative and operational overheads in terms of student services, campus activities etc are much lower for online programs. Since students study remotely, there is no requirement for facilities like transport, cafeterias, sports grounds and other campus amenities.

  1. High-quality Academic Resources 

One of the major concerns with online education is the perceived compromise in quality of academics due to the absence of in-person lectures and resources. However, top universities like Manipal are ensuring that online students have access to learning resources that are at par with the on-campus programs. Through interactive online classes conducted via video conferencing tools, Manipal provides an authentic classroom experience to online students. Just like regular classes, experienced faculty take live sessions where students can clear their doubts, ask questions and engage in discussions. 

For those unable to attend live, recorded video lectures are made available which can be accessed anytime as per one’s schedule. Apart from video lectures, a wide range of high-quality e-learning material is provided digitally. This includes e-books on the prescribed syllabus, case studies, online articles from journals, assignments and other study resources. Online students also get access to the university’s digital library containing a vast collection of e-journals, publications and databases – just like the resources available to on-campus students.

  1. Career Support and Placement Opportunities

Most reputed universities providing online MBA programs also offer strong career support services and placement opportunities to their students. Manipal University is one such university that helps online MBA students with resume preparation, mock interviews, career counselling etc. Regular webinars and workshops are conducted to help students enhance their skills and knowledge. 

Campus placement drives are also organized where companies hire online students just like the regular ones. Many students from Manipal’s Online MBA program have been placed in top companies in India over the years.  The university leverages its strong industry connections and alumni network to create job opportunities. Students also get access to the university’s online career portal for latest internships and job postings. With dedicated career support, online MBA students can build successful careers even while studying remotely.

  1. Convenient Assessment and Certification

Assessment and exams are often seen as inconvenient aspects of any educational program. However, online MBA programs offer assessment methods that are highly convenient for busy working professionals. Instead of taking pen-and-paper exams that require being physically present on campus, online MBA students can take their exams online from anywhere. This is only possible due to advanced online proctoring systems that top universities use. During an online exam, the student’s webcam and screen activity is monitored to ensure no malpractices.

Timed online quizzes and exams can be given whenever suits the student’s schedule within the assigned exam window. This allows working professionals the flexibility to take exams at times when they are free from other responsibilities. No longer do students have to take time off from work or travel long distances to appear for exams. Moreover, online proctoring systems use artificial intelligence and live invigilators to monitor students without invading their privacy. Any suspicious activity is automatically flagged to invigilators. This helps maintain the highest standards of academic integrity without compromising on convenience.

  1. Networking Opportunities 

Networking is the crucial aspect of an MBA program as it opens doors for career opportunities along with the growth. While an online education lacks an in-person networking seen on a campus, leading universities ensure their online students don’t miss out. Manipal University conducts regular webinars where the students can interact with industry experts as well as learn about the latest trends. Webinars provide the platform for students to engage in Q & A sessions, gather contacts as well as make valuable connections. Webinars expose students to networking avenues without needing to be physically present.

Online discussion forums foster peer-to-peer networking too. Students collaborate through forums, share knowledge and ideas. This helps students develop virtual relationships and support systems. Social media groups complement forums, allowing informal networking in a relaxed manner. Collaborative projects are another way students bond over tasks. Working in teams towards goals promotes networking. Students learn time management, teamwork while exchanging skills, knowledge and contacts with peers.


Online education has become mainstream. More working professionals are choosing flexible online degrees to upskill as well as advance their careers. The manipal online MBA course offers a high-quality global education with the added benefits of convenience, and affordability, as well as career support. Its self-paced online learning model empowers students to study on their own terms while earning the respected postgraduate business degree. Overall, an online MBA from this top-ranked institution provides multiple advantages for the career-oriented learners.

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